
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Steve Jobs fucked us in the ass. Again.

We do not need something between phones and laptops. What we need is for Apple, RIM, and Google to get together and develop an industry standard for phone input and output devices. Basically an adapter to connect phones to keyboards and displays.

Phones are already powerful enough to do most of what we need, -- email, music, videos, games, web browsing. And they fit in your pocket and you always have them with you.

What I absolutely do not want it to start carrying around a 10" screen everywhere I go. What I do want is for the industry to come up with a standardized docking station or adapter, so I can just connect my phone anywhere and use it as a computer.

If it were standardized, venues such as hotels, airports, airplanes and starbucks would have an incentive to make kiosks available, and you could just use your phone for everything without hauling a display. And it already has built in wireless.

And if you really, really need to read the NY Times, and you are not at home or work where you already have a computer, and you don't want a paper version, and you can't read it on your phone, then yes I guess the iPad is perfect for you. Steve Jobs has invented a device for the biggest douche holes in the world. Congratulations.

* I reserve the right to delete or heavily modify this post at a future date should the iPad become the greatest thing since Gutenberg invented sliced bread.

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