
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Nobody begrudges a starving man who desperately seeks food.

Nobody belittles a man dying of thirst who will do anything for some water.

So why is it the sleep deprived man who endeavors to catch up by sleeping late or taking naps is scorned and viewed as lazy?

The complete lack of sleep will kill a person well before starvation and only slightly behind dehydration.

Skipping a night of sleep will hamper mental and physical performance way more than skipping a few meals.

Chronic sleep deprivation might be more detrimental to your health than a crappy diet.

So next time your employee is late to work because his alarm clock didn't go off -- rather than looking down upon him, give him your admiration as you would someone who drinks 8 glasses of water a day or eats many servings of fruit and vegetables.

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