Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Says this guy...
Because you can't remove $850 Billion from the productive economy, throw it at a bevy of politically motivated but highly unproductive uses, and call that a stimulus. It's actually almost exactly the opposite of that.
By contrast, think about what else we could do with that money. In 2007 the IRS collected a total of $1,117,599,983,000 from personal income taxes (xls). Obama could forego the current plan and give back 76% of all income tax and capital gains tax dollars paid by Americans next year. That would be one HELL of a stimulus.
"I have faith that Obama's [stimulus] plans will ultimately bolster the economy in some way, shape, or form."As a reminder, faith is what's required to believe in something in the absence of any logical or reasonable basis for doing so. It's usually used in the context of believing in a supernatural power that controls human destiny, so I guess it's apt, since that is what we will need to avoid economic calamity.
Because you can't remove $850 Billion from the productive economy, throw it at a bevy of politically motivated but highly unproductive uses, and call that a stimulus. It's actually almost exactly the opposite of that.
By contrast, think about what else we could do with that money. In 2007 the IRS collected a total of $1,117,599,983,000 from personal income taxes (xls). Obama could forego the current plan and give back 76% of all income tax and capital gains tax dollars paid by Americans next year. That would be one HELL of a stimulus.