
Thursday, August 14, 2008


I can chalk up another victory in my quest to cherry-pick data that confirms my previously held beliefs on climate change. We already know that the climate models conform to reality worse than Halo 3. Now it turns out that even the actual temperature numbers have to be tortured to show the dramatic warming in the IPCC report.

So, to recap:

1) We really know next to nothing about the future of the climate.
1a) Including, btw, whether any climate change would cause net harm or good.
2) Even if we did know, it would really not be possible to fix the problem without returning to an agrarian society or solving cold fusion.
3) Even if we could fix the problem, it would probably be way less expensive to mitigate the result.
4) Even if we wanted to spend the money to mitigate the result, it would be much more cost effective to solve other problems first, such as child immunization and nutrition.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. True, when Rachel Carson published Silent Spring and got DDT banned, she did save about 14 birds. But then a couple million African children died from Malaria. Oops.

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