
Monday, July 07, 2008

Holy crap, CNN! Is there anything bad that isn't caused by climate change?

I assume the accompanying article will explain the science and the causation link between [presumably human caused] climate change and stunted children, right? Or perhaps quote some weather experts or climatologists? What is that? It doesn't have any scientific evidence? And only quotes the baby's mother and someone from the "Church World Service?"

This article is pure eco-propaganda. There have been natural disasters forever. There's really no way to attribute a particular drought, flood, or hurricane to climate change. I guess that's why the author of this article didn't even try to offer substantiation.

But I also love how only really terrible things are caused by climate change. Wouldn't, presumably, climate change be the cause of all weather events? You always see headlines like "global warming causes terrible heat wave on the east coast," but never "climate change causes the perfect weather we are having on the west coast." Was climate change the cause of the really light 2006 and 2007 hurricane seasons? Because I didn't see any articles about that. I guess climate change took two years off after destroying New Orleans in 2005.

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