
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sometimes I pick up the free newspaper Metro to read on the subway. I like it, because I have a very short ride and the paper has very little content. But today they had an opinion piece that was pretty incredible. Does this paper even have editors? In some kind of crazy rant about black history month, some guy who is allegedly a professor in "Urban Education" at Temple university said,
"While it is a miracle that blacks were able to survive the worst holocaust in human history, we are anything but stronger. If not for slavery, is there any doubt that black people would be more healthy, happy and humane?"
First of all, yes slavery sucked, but unless there is information I was not taught in the admittedly horrible public schools, I don't think there is any way you can say slavery was the worst holocaust in human history. What about the capital "H" Holocaust, where people were stuffed in train cars, gassed, and incinerated in large ovens? What about Pol Pot's killing fields in Cambodia? What about the millions of people killed by Stalin?

As to his second point, that black people would be more healthy, happy, and humane if not for slavery, fortunately we have a controlled experiment to test this theory. It's called all the people that were never slaves and stayed behind in Africa. Yes, they were colonized (so were we), but do they seem healthy, happy, and humane? Maybe I'm reading the wrong newspapers, but usually the stories I hear about Africa are the 140% AIDS rates (some people have it twice). Oh yeah, sometimes there are stories about a country that goes berserk and a million or so people are hacked to death with machetes. Sounds super awesome healthy, happy, and humane to me.

The thing that's keeping you down, Professor Hill, is dwelling on some shit that happened 150 years ago. The Jews, who went through a real Holocaust and much more recently, got their fucking act together and went on to found a country and pretty much take over media and finance in the US.

Also, dude, if you want to be a stronger people, it would help to study something useful like PHYSICS. What the fuck is Urban Education? You are literally training the next generation to be unemployable. Nice work.

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