
Thursday, December 27, 2007

There are some people I just think to myself, I wish I was the beneficiary on their life insurance policy. One of those people was Benazir Bhutto, the former Prime Minister of Pakistan. I said "was" not because I no longer wish to be her beneficiary, but because she is now deceased.

Good move standing out the sunroof in your limo, waving at supporters. If it didn't work in Dallas in 1963, it's certainly not going to work in RAWALPINDI in 2007! In case she hadn't noticed, radical islamic nut jobs easily take offense, and a woman trying to rule their country is something that might provoke their ire.

Of course, this whole thing is India's fault. If they hadn't decided to be socialist and partner with the Soviet Union back in the day, we wouldn't of had to ally ourselves with Pakistan, and we could've given the Indian army enough hardware to take care of this problem. Damn you, India!

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