
Thursday, October 20, 2005

I can say I'm a huge fan of Harriet Miers, mostly because she's anti-abortion, and I'd like to retain my right to accidentally impregnate women I don't want to marry, but this uproar is a little ridiculous.

The main charge against her seems to be that she has no judicial experience and has not developed a strong understanding of Constitutional law. But come on, dudes! How many of the politicians, journalists, bloggers, news anchors think they themselves would do a pretty good job at making those decisions? Probably most of them. It's not fucking rocket science!

My fricken shoe-shine boy thinks SCOTUS made a bad decision in Kelo vs. New London, but all of the sudden Miers, who has a pretty solid resume as a lawyer, is not qualified to make those decisions? I'd like to make a deal with everyone who thinks Miers lacks the gravitas to be on the Supreme Court. You keep saying that, but afterwards you are never again allowed to criticize the decisions of these nine super geniuses.

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