
Thursday, August 11, 2005

I always thought it was a little gross, but apparently Chinese doctors are now trying to stop people from using the same chopsticks to eat and to serve themselves. Their proposal: serving chopsticks.

Choice quote:
"Doctors say the risk of passing along diseases with chopsticks is probably low, although lots of ailments, including herpes, flu and the common cold, can be spread through swapped saliva."
Mental note - stop taking prostitutes out for Chinese food.

Choice quote 2:
It's not the first time Chinese authorities have tried to clean up the way people eat. In 1984, reformer Hu Yaobang, general secretary of China's Communist Party, launched a campaign to get diners to eat with knives and forks -- "in the Western way," he was quoted as saying. "By doing so, we can avoid contagious diseases."
I hate how the communists are always trying to get people to be more American. By the way, why is their top position secretary?

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