
Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Well, that explains that. A new *study (PDF) links heavy computer usage with glaucomatous visual field abnormalities. Back in school, since I was usually late for class I normally sat in the back and therefore had to concentrate on a distant blackboard. Then I started working for da man, and spent many hours a day focusing on a screen 18" away from my head. It's about that time when I started to need glasses, which at 23 years old is very late for that kind of thing. Oh also, they said I had visual field abnormalities, despite lacking the high intraocular pressure associated with glaucoma. And as an added bonus, the computer usage wrecked my shoulders.

Yet another reason to go Office Space on them.

* The study was done on Japanese workers, so no word yet on how it applies to our additional eye roundness.

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