
Tuesday, October 19, 2004

If you've watched any sports on TV in the past year, you would know that there is a medication, that when taken gives a person "36 hours to choose the moment that's right." It is called Cialis, and it was obviously invented and marketed entirely by women. I've come to that conclusion, because men, by the time they even think about it, want to "get it on" right friggin now. If it was designed by men, it would be delivered, and have the same latency as one of those Native-American blow dart guns. "Honey, just shoot me in the neck when you are ready." 36 Hours? It's not like guys are worried that they are not going to have enough time to go out and buy a cute outfit and set up the candles and whatnot. If any guy is thinking about getting lucky in 36 hours, he's thinking that 36 hours from now will be like the 3rd or 4th time. And as we can see in the disclaimer on the commercial, "CIALIS has not been studied for multiple sexual attempts per dose."

But the concept is sound, they just used it on the wrong medication. I'd like a hangover medicine that works 36 hours from now.

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