
Thursday, September 02, 2004

I would like to make a suggestion to the women that work out in the weight room of my gym. Go home and don't come back. I say this not because I don't want the women there (I do), and not because I don't think working out is important, but because it pains me to see people engaging in a complete waste of time.

When you search the entire place for a machine that works out the smallest muscles in your body, and then proceed to exercise with the intensity of someone in deep REM sleep, you are just wasting your time. Even if you were to greatly strengthen the anterior head of your hip adductors, what is that going to accomplish? Do you think this is going to 'tone' your thighs or increase your metabolism? Do yourself a favor and lift something heavy that requires using large muscle groups. You will not get too big. That would require a different endocrinological makeup and consumption of more protein than your daily Tasti-D-Lite.

Put it this way...you don't train for a marathon by walking one block and then going home, so why would you put the same amount of effort into weight training? Do it right.

And to the girl that asked me what muscles the machine she was on worked, I hope you were hitting on me, because about 2 feet from your face was a diagram of a flayed man with the muscles that machine worked highlighted in red.

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