Thursday, June 10, 2004
Dick Grasso, you are not alone.
There is another high ranking official at a not-for-profit organization whose pay is "excessive" according to someone who is not responsible for determining his pay (me). His name is Eliot Spitzer, and he makes $150k.
Although his pay was set by the State Assembly, some members now claim they did not read the full text of the agreement, and/or were not present for the vote.
Further, it is a HUGE conflict of interest that the people who make the laws get to decide how much to pay the person in charge of enforcing those laws. The lawmakers who are now defending Spitzer obviously have a lot of explaining to do -- for paying one of their buddies an amount that puts him in the top few percentile of all taxpayers.
The lawmakers that didn't read the compensation bill before voting, or who didn't show up for the vote are all good though.
Can someone please sue Spitzer, and also an arbitrary state official who doesn't have enough clout to make it worth not suing?
There is another high ranking official at a not-for-profit organization whose pay is "excessive" according to someone who is not responsible for determining his pay (me). His name is Eliot Spitzer, and he makes $150k.
Although his pay was set by the State Assembly, some members now claim they did not read the full text of the agreement, and/or were not present for the vote.
Further, it is a HUGE conflict of interest that the people who make the laws get to decide how much to pay the person in charge of enforcing those laws. The lawmakers who are now defending Spitzer obviously have a lot of explaining to do -- for paying one of their buddies an amount that puts him in the top few percentile of all taxpayers.
The lawmakers that didn't read the compensation bill before voting, or who didn't show up for the vote are all good though.
Can someone please sue Spitzer, and also an arbitrary state official who doesn't have enough clout to make it worth not suing?