
Friday, May 21, 2004

I just got the following email from my old boss (which is supposed to be forwarded to Kofi Annan and other UN and EU luminaries)...

"When Israel builds a fence to keep out terrorists, the UN and EU are up in arms because it makes it difficult for terrorists to kill more Jews. When terrorists kill an 8 month pregnant Jewish woman and her 4 little girls, there is absolute silence from your organizations. If you think your indifference goes unnoticed, count the number of messages you will receive world-wide in the next 48 hours on this subject."

I guess he forgot the part about how also, the UN is the greatest thing ever, and we need it to take over American foreign policy. Hey I've got an idea! Why don't you complain to the chair of the UN Human Rights Commission? Oh yeah, because last year it was Libya, and they have historically not been Israel's biggest booster.

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