
Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Girls of New York City,

I have noticed that during your orientation program, a very important procedure may have been overlooked. It is not necessary, and if you are short on money it is imprudent, to go and purchase a bottle of water every time you are thirsty. There is a device in almost every building, that upon the application of several simple steps, will supply you with free, clean, and tasty water. You may not already be familiar with this, because in some parts of the world this is not always true, but it should not be to difficult to learn because it is very similar to the process you undertake to wash your hair. Please refrain from complaining about your lack of discretionary funds until this protocol has been implemented.


You should not be drinking bottled water unless the bottle is a canteen, and you are in Iraq. There really is no excuse.

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