
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin accused the president of being in the pocket of Big Oil, a charge usually leveled by Democrats at the GOP.

"You've got to have a license to drive a car in this country, but, regrettably, you can get on a TV show and say virtually anything," White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said (WSJ, Pg A1, 5/25/2010).
Key Takeaways:

Sarah Palin -- most likely not the smartest politician we've ever had in this country.

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs -- Thinks the First Amendment should require a government license to be exercised.


Friday, May 21, 2010

New Business Idea

Kitchen timer for the outside of the bathroom door. Can be set to 35 or 45 mins.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

It's starting to happen. Apple vs. Google in mobile is a replay of Apple vs. IBM in PCs 20 years ago. Apple creates a better product, and then completely locks it down from external innovation (even apps are censored). The open competitor quickly overtakes apple and crushes it. The Android ecosystem will be (maybe already is) better, cheaper, and faster than the iPhone. The irony of Apple's famous superbowl commercial is incredible. Steve Jobs is the Pol Pot of technology.

Apple was recently the 3rd most valuable company in the U.S. In my opinion this is horrifically flawed valuation. I will be investigated very far out of the money put options.

By the way, I hear non stop complaining about the AT&T service. These complaints always come from iPhone users. As a self-anointed expert in debugging, when a network has many devices, and problems occur with only one of the devices, the PROBLEM IS THE FUCKING PHONE NOT THE NETWORK.

Friday, May 14, 2010

New Business Idea

A version of Facebook where all the status updates and pictures are fully encrypted before sending. Everyone then has a browser plugin that stores each friend's public key and decrypts locally for viewing. Nothing is ever stored or transmitted in plain text, however it is completely transparent to the users.

Update: Forgot to mention, this new business idea, like all new business ideas, is not a new idea.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Where do I shop if I want my blinds to stay?

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